Participant Organization NLP Aalborg is a well-established educational center and school since 2007. NLP Aalborg teaches and educates around 200 students yearly in certified professional coaching - NLP – short for Neuro Linguistic Programming. The main scope of work is coaching, practicing on both practitioner/ master level, training courses, courses in for instance communication and the Enneagram Practitioner education. Furthermore, approx. 700 attend lectures and have free access to meeting points at NLP Aalborg on a yearly basis. 6000 students are registered in the database of NLP Aalborg.
Center for Unges Livsmestring (Centre for Youth & Life Coping) was established as a new subdivision of NLP Aalborg and consists of 2 staff members. The subdivision has the task to develop and implement methods, strategies and digital tools that can help students aged 15-25 years at VETs/SCL educations in the EU to stay put, navigate and overcome obstacles in their everyday life, prevent mental health issues and avoid dropout. Center for Unges Livsmestring (CFUL) draws upon years of practical experience as “experts on young people” and has been met with an ever-growing demand from students, parents and educators to develop tools, methods and strategies and giving them knowledge to help students cope with challenges in everyday life and at school.
This resulted in the 3-year long Erasmus+ project, Solution By Inclusion, which the organization has been leading since 2020. NLP Aalborg / Center for Unges Livsmestring has also been the main architects behind the Erasmus+ project DIGI LIVES (2022-2024) and acts as a partner in the project. NLP Aalborg / CFUL is also a partner in the Erasmus + consortium, RESET (2022-2024).