
SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a strategic tool to understand the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of a project, situation, venture or business. It is a tool used by professionals to examine the possibilities and optimally consider the possible outlets. Check the proposals in the following table describing the likely possibilities and vulnerabities in your VET institution development plan and associated strategy. Then plan how to further develop the weak points and reinforce the strong ones . Feel free to copy, distribute and adapt the list to your needs.

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Mind-maps software tools collection

A PDF document brings together the product sheets for 5 of the many mind-mapping software tools: GitMind, MindManager, MindMeister, Mindomo and XMind.

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Digital resources and assessment of reliability

Checklist for analysis of digital resources and assessment of reliability

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Our Practice in regard to Video Conferencing System

The following questions helps to highlight your practice and can be put in place at your VET to further discussions, reflections and give inspiration at your VET in regard to choosing the best platform for your digital classroom.

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Implementing a Safe and Secure Digital Classroom

Below are questions to discuss that can help to regulate and create a safe and secure digital classroom for collaboration. The questions must be regarded as neutral – they are not intended to favor one side.

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Micro-credential Checklist

The format of micro-credentials is fairly new to the world of education and especially to VET. Knowing what they are and what their potential for life-long learning is, is important to stay at the forefront of the development. Micro-credentials can be used for several learnings and courses, especially in a digital format. Find out if micro-credentials are something for you to support and develop your virtual training. Here is a checklist to test if micro-credentials are worth a look for you. Please tick the boxes that apply to you. The more often you say yes, the more likely you would benefit from micro-credentials.

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How-to-Guide for Google Docs

A how-to-guide for google docs that provides text-to-speech, OCR, dictionary, and translation features to help students with reading and writing difficulties.

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Cybersecurity Checklist

The online world has certain dangers that can compromise our security, so knowing how to avoid potential fraud, crime and scams is paramount. Cybersecurity consists of a set of practices to defend computer systems from cybercrime. It covers many areas: network and app security, data protection… Here is a checklist to ensure your security in the online world. Please fill in the boxes as you have completed the attached tasks.

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Get ready to ‘moodle’

Easy to use guideline to get started on Moodle. Moodle is a free, open-source Learning Management System (LMS) that is widely used for creating and managing online educational content. It allows educators to create, manage, and deliver educational content and activities, such as quizzes, assignments, and discussion forums, to students. Moodle is designed to be flexible and customizable, so it can be used in a variety of settings, including schools, universities, and businesses. It can be accessed via a web browser and supports a wide range of features, including course management tools, assessment tools, and e-portfolios. Moodle is also known for its ability to integrate with other educational technology tools and its active user community, which provides support and resources for users.

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Operationalisation of DigComp’s resources for VET providers and LLL professionals

This brief document is intended to support readers in better navigating the ecosystem of DigComp, the official EU training and education framework for digital competences. The aim is to provide for solid, robust and reliable coordinates to which users can rely on to understand what might be practical and operational use of DigComp and related spin-off resources.

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IT Project - Annual budget template

This tool is aimed to facilitate the estimation, on an annual basis, of all possible operation and capital cost items that organisation X has to consider for the renewal of its IT fleet.

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Annual IT Budget Template - Operating Expenses

These tools are a slightly more streamlined version of the previous one, more intuitive and agile for smaller organisations, professionals, etc.

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