
RESET Matrix builds on the operational results of the project and promotes the transferability of RESET so that it can impact the VET ecosystem at EU level.

It is a Multidimensional and Multifunctional Matrix based on project results, crossing them with variables affecting online VET training (type of users in training, level of digital competence possessed by the teaching staff and by the entire staff involved, digital maturity of the structure) enhanced by the DigCompOrg Framework which indicates the implementation parameters of digitally competent educational organizations. The Matrix will serve the operators of VET ecosystem to devise one's ability in distance training, anticipating digital needs, identifying areas of intervention, developing strategies and initiating / continuing the digital transformation process. The Matrix is made up of various variable "blocks" identified at drafting phase in line with DigCompOrg, and they are:

  1. STUDENTS / LEARNERS: guaranteeing a "bottom-up" approach
  2. TOPIC: topics and themes of VET training
  3. LEARNING OUTCOMES: profiling based on learning outcomes, EQF level, etc.
  4. VET OPERATOR / S: profiling of the operator / staff taking into consideration, e.g. typology of operator, years of experience, etc.
  5. DIGITAL SKILLS of organizations: skills, abilities and needs for Digital VET and for practical implementation of DigCompEdu
  6. DIGITAL EQUIPMENT of VET providers: licenses, properties, applications and free platforms
  7. VET CONTEXT: formal vs non-formal; iVET / cVET / HigherVET; mandatory vs voluntary