Optimizing digital VET - Digital tools and resources – Platforms and Learning Objectives
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Choosing platform
What is a digital learning platform ? Click to read

  • Digital Learning Environment

The digital learning environment is every digital tool that students use, from computers and smartphones to software, file-sharing, web services, multimedia, and Virtual Reality – a digital platform is part of this environment.

  • Learning Management System

Learning Management Systems are a digital repository for all learning content. The system helps organize resources and facilitate the learning process by allowing users to access content from any device at any time – this is the platform.

Learning Management System (LMS)

  • Web-based

LMS is a web-based system that supports the planning, creation, delivery, tracking and reporting of online educational activities. It may include features such as e-portfolios, quizzes, assessment tools and course management


  • Wide variety

Learning Management Systems are an effective way to deliver a wide variety of educational courses and outcomes.

They support traditional face-to-face instruction, blended/hybrid and distance learning environments.

Features of a digital learning platformClick to read

Facilitate learning
Take it anywhere, individual learning plans

Enrolment, track, assess, analysis & report

Save time & cost
Less print, easy distribution of content, overview of student activity.

Messaging, notifications, feedback, calendar, schedules

Different types of learning management systemsClick to read

There are many different types of learning management systems, but they all provide the same basic functionality:

  • Manage participants

Inside of a learning management system, you should be able to add participants to the course and assign them roles, such as assigning someone the role of instructor or student.

  • Three main components

An LMS is typically made up of three main components: the admin console, course content and users. The admin console is where you set up your courses, enroll students and monitor their progress.

Course content refers to all the material that learners access when they log in to the system — this could be videos, articles or documents.

There are many different learning management systems out there, and it can be hard to decide which one is right for you.

Do not underestimate the importance of this decision.
You're likely going to want an LMS that's easy to use, yet includes the features and functions that will allow you to accomplish your goals.

Costs vs features
It's not just about finding something that works well for others; it's also about finding something that works well for you at a price that makes sense for your organization.

Stakeholders - Understand who to involveClick to read

  • Who are the learners?

It's important to examine an LMS from the perspective of the learner. You might find that your IT department, administrators and instructors like a certain systems, but in the end, if the product isn't user-friendly, you have a major problem.

  • Stakeholders

Who is affected by the introduction and use of a digital platform?

  • Who can affect the decision ?
  • Who can be affected by the decision ?

Typical stakeholders who will be impacted by the decision:

IT department
Hosting, maintenance, support

Faculty Members
Managers/Teach Assistants/Other

Ease of use, methods, subject, content..

Different types of learners

Summing upClick to read

Digital Learning Environment
Every digital tool that students use.

Learning Management System
LMS, web-based, admin console, course content and users.

Importance of decision
Do not underestimate the importance of this decision.

Who to involve? Students, Teachers, IT,  other faculty members

TestTest Yourself
Learning objectives
Digital tools and learning objectives Click to read

  • Importance?

Learning objectives are important in education because they provide a clear, measurable goal for students to work towards. In a digital education setting, learning objectives can be even more important because they provide a clear framework for educators to design their online courses and for students to track their progress

  • Learning objectives and digital tools

Learning objectives can help ensure that the content of online courses is aligned with educational standards and objectives. Overall, learning objectives are an important part of any educational setting, whether it is digital or in-person.

What do students need to know, understand, or be able to do?

The choice of digital tools should be based on the learning objectives
The use of digital tools should always be considered as a learning objective in itself, rather than just a means to an end, as digitization takes place in all sectors.

Digital tools can be used alongside the training to improve and reinforce it
You cannot learn how to use a hammer, weld, or cook just by looking at a screen. Digital tools can be used alongside the training, but they are not a substitute for the hands-on experience.

Chose the right toolClick to read

  • Learning and training

To digitize teaching, you can use a variety of tools and technologies, such as video conferencing software, learning management systems, and online collaboration tools.

There are many different options available, so you may want to do some research to find the best tools and techniques for your specific learning objectives and goals.

  • Ask questions like:
    • How do we provide support for creative, collaborative and authentic learning?
    • How can we allow students to work on projects collaboratively?
    • How do we teach skills not covered in class ?
    • How do we improve student learning outcomes with digital learning ?

21st century skills should always be considered when determining the learning objectives. The Four C’s:

Oral, written, and nonverbal

Working with other people to do something

Critical thinking
Solve problems, Reasoning, Systematical thinking, judgements and decisions

Work creatively with others, Implement innovation

How can digital tools help achieving the learning objectives? 

  • Progress and feedback

Digital tools can be used to track student progress and provide feedback on their performance, which can be helpful for both the students and the educators.

  • Split the objectives

A good course will allow participants to learn at their own pace, and you can help them reach that goal by splitting the course into smaller, attainable objectives. By giving participants a set of manageable tasks they can work on over time, they'll be less likely to get frustrated and drop out.

Make it personalClick to read

  • Address the students directly

Learning objectives should be explained in a way that makes them personal to each student. This will help the students feel more included and motivated, which will hopefully lead to more effective learning.

This can easily be shared digitally.

  • Make a video

Record a video where students can see and hear you explain the learning objectives. This helps to create better relationships and thus better learning.

Tell them what we're going to do, why we do it, how we will do it, and what we have learned when we're done.

Summing upClick to read

Digital tools and learning objectives
Every digital tool that students use.

What do students need to know, understand, or be able to do?
You cannot learn how to use a hammer, weld, or cook just by looking at a screen. Digital tools can be used alongside the training.

21st century skills
The Four C’s should always be considered when determining the learning objectives.

Make it personal
Learning objectives should be explained in a way that makes them personal to each student.

TestTest Yourself
Test Yourself
TestTest Yourself


LMS (Learning Management System), Learning objectives, Digital Learning Environment, Web-based, Wide variety, Management, Stakeholders.


At the end of the training the user will be able to:

  • Know what an LMS is and choose the platform​
  • Know what learning objectives are and why they are important


A Learning Management System (LMS) is a digital platform that facilitates the delivery and organization of educational content. It is typically web-based and can include features such as e-portfolios, quizzes, assessment tools, and course management tools. Learning objectives are important as they provide a clear outline of what the learner should be able to do after completing a course. The digital learning environment includes all digital tools used by students, including computers, smartphones, software, and virtual reality. When choosing an LMS, it is important to consider the needs of the learners, the stakeholders affected by the decision, and the specific learning objectives and goals. Digital tools can be used to track student progress and provide feedback, which can help improve student outcomes.


(Harasim, 2017; Hiim & Hippe, 2012),(Garreta-Domingo et al., 2018), (Moodle.Org, n.d.), (Deci & Ryan, 2000), (Marsh & Rajaram, 2019), (Henriksen & Richardson, 2017)

Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of Goal Pursuits: Human Needs and the Self-Determination of Behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 227–268. https://doi.org/10.1207/S15327965PLI1104_01

Garreta-Domingo, M., Hernández-Leo, D., & Sloep, P. B. (2018). Education, Technology and Design: A Much Needed Interdisciplinary Collaboration. In E. Kapros & M. Koutsombogera (Eds.), Designing for the User Experience in Learning Systems (pp. 17–39). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94794-5_2

Harasim, L. M. (2017). Learning theory and online technologies (Second edition). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Henriksen, D., & Richardson, C. (2017). Teachers are designers: Addressing problems of practice in education. Phi Delta Kappan, 99(2), 60–64. https://doi.org/10.1177/0031721717734192

Hiim, H., & Hippe, E. (2012). Undervisningsplanlægning for faglærere (2. udgave, 7. oplag). Gyldendal.

Marsh, E. J., & Rajaram, S. (2019). The digital expansion of the mind: Implications of internet usage for memory and cognition. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 8(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jarmac.2018.11.001

Moodle.org. (n.d.). Retrieved 20 December 2022, from https://moodle.org/